This week was very low key. On a whim, we tried a new place for lunch on Saturday (the Winery - located on the east side of Westroads, near Salon Tino), and were pleasantly surprised. I will say, the environment was interesting. I'm not sure how we always find places that make us feel like we've time traveled back in time to 1992, but we do. This place has pink and aqua walls, and tables and booths that boast ridiculous patterns. It made us laugh. We did, however, enjoy an incredibly cheap and filling meal - a true deli-style lunch. I think we'll probably try it again sometime.

Bolin Awesomeness Rating: B B B B B
Also, this week I ran the longest run I have ever done to date: 10 miles. It goes without saying that my feel hurt after that. Only two more weeks until the big half marathon - can't wait!!!

Bolin Awesomeness Rating: B B B B B (I was REALLY proud of myself, and highly recommend running 10 miles)