As of Saturday (January 30), the Bolins had never been to a fashion show. Not so now. Saturday evening we attended a local event called Fashion in Salvation - a production displaying local designers, all to benefit the homeless in Omaha. My brosef Shawn and our dear friend Sarah participated in the fashion palooza as well.
It was...fascinating. I wasn't sure what to expect, and maybe secretly hoped it would be like Project Runway. That may have been a stretch. It was, however, a high-energy, show-'em'-what-you're-made-of-Omaha-designers, palooza, which made for an enjoyable experience.
It was packed (standing room only), and there was an incredible buzz as people waited for the show to begin (side note - the show started an hour and a half late. Good thing we didn't get there on time!) Once the show finally started, the models show-cased some of Omaha's rising stars AND some of Omaha's most bizarre people. Check out the video clip for an entertaining glimpse into the world of wacky designers.
Overall it was a fun night! Apparently there's an Omaha fashion week (who knew?!?), so maybe we'll check that out. As for fashion show fun, it was a good "adventure"!

Bolin Awesomeness Rating: B B B B B
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